This has been one heck of an adventure, with family, friends and more importantly each other we are making it day by day!
Thank you Stanislav Kalyuzhny for being the best friend, companion and father that I could ever ask for.

Jaciel is here! Pictures.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Yesterday & Comprehensive Update

Last night was a blast and I know something that won't happen for a while after Jaciel is born. Stas and I met up with Martin, Angie, Darrell, Rater, Regina, Daniel and Liz at Brew Bakers, which had the worst service on the planet but we had a blast. We then all headed back to Angie and Martin's house for some more hanging out. Needless to say we didn't get home until two in the morning nearly. (Confession: Brew Bakers stairs killed me, I did a little too much but sat my happy butt down and did nothing the entire time I was at the house.)

I have never been one under the impression that my adult life ENDS once a child is born. Really my fun continues but may be slightly tweaked. It really depends on what you consider fun. If you consider going out every weekend for the entire weekend to a club or wild party, then yeah your days of that is OVER! That thankfully isn't me. Ask any of my friends (the few I have) I am the boring, simple one. They love me! Anyhow I do know staying out until some god awful hour isn't going to happen often at all.

Don't misunderstand I am also not one under the impression that the weekend after Jaciel's grand entrance that I am going to be heading out to the nearest theme park for a romp. I know that she and I will not be parted for at least two months, I intend to breast feed with little to no pumping for the first four to eight weeks to establish a good milk supply. I also don't intend to do a great deal for the first eight weeks anyway. I'd like to bond with her, stir up some maternal instincts, get use to being a mother and get cozy with my lack of sleep.

The point of the last two paragraphs would be, well I guess they don't have a point. Stas and I really just enjoyed our outing and are glad we were invited.

I am honestly feeling very confident this week. Whether either ultra sound is correct that I am 27 or 26 weeks along I am confident that Jaciel will be just fine. I am also for some reason, which as I am sure I am mentioned before I am super in-tuned with my body unlike a lot of people. (Curse and a Blessing) I am of the belief deep down that Jaciel will be born soon after the removal of my cerclage as the doctor has guessed. I am actually not worried. Possibly I should be more concerned then I am but I am not.

The house is coming together, slowly but its happening. I need it to come together for my sanity. I do things here and there and Stas has been a great help. He loves both me and his little girl snuggled inside of me, thankfully that propels him to do things about the house and be a great emotional support. I am blessed. Its taken me some time to find some one like him.

I am excited to say my Baby Shower is coming up. December 5th @ 2pm I am going to be at my sisters house enjoying a yummy cake and I am sure lots of laughter. I am unaware if I am going to get many items but honestly I am not so worried about that either. People have worked with less then nothing and I know my family won't allow me to go without for our little girl.

I guess bottom line is I just am not worrying about much of anything. Its keeping me much more content and probably healthier. Although I have my moments where I am bombarded with thoughts about being a new mother to a very helpless wiggly little girl. It comes with its apprehensions as a big picture but I figure one day at a time. Right? The worst problem right now is the pain that goes along with her stretching and so fourth within my belly. I am not a very big person and I know she isn't a very big person right now either. However two not very big people, one housed within the other isn't always the most comfortable. It always seems like she knows where to hurt me most, ugh. However even with my complaints I am happy to just know that she is safe, healthy, and alive wiggling within my womb.

I don't understand how people can hate pregnancy so much. I have been reading a lot of articles trying to 'take it easy'. So many claim such horrors. When I feel that its difficult and some days I want to pull out my hair but it doesn't seem much different then any other part of living. Some days you just want to pull out your hair, some moments are more difficult then others, some nights sleep seems non-existent and last but not least some days you just want to curse the world. Pregnancy doesn't really seem to be much of a change from those same ol' motions. The new part is the happiness that comes over you even during the worst painful, stressful moments reminding you that inside you have a beating heart, a living being. With all my rambling it just comes down to I feel the unpleasantness is completely canceled out in the end by the fact I have a little person growing inside of my body, created by me (with some help of course), nurtured by me, protected by me who I love more then anything although I have never seen her. 

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